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  • Claudia Bernardi (Argentina, 1955 – )

    Pasa Un Angel

    Monotype fresco
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    Pasa Un Angel, 1998
    Claudia Bernardi
    Monotype fresco
    Museum Purchase 2000.010

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    Informed by horrors she witnessed firsthand, Claudia Bernardi’s work confronts profound issues of violence and death. Deeply affected by the Argentinean “Dirty War” (1976–83), Bernardi joined her sister Patricia to work on the Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team, which conducts exhumations of mass graves around the world. In 1992, the team excavated the mass grave at El Mozote in El Salvador, where nearly 300 people, including 131 children, were murdered. This experience influenced much of her artistic practice, including this image.Using a combination of collographic plates, traditional monotype techniques, paper lithography, and dry pigments, Bernardi creates “frescoes on paper.” She equates making her prints with the process of exhumation, an experience that she sees as cathartic. Bernardi says: “I learned conflict resolution from the pigments. These pigments being pure chemical components react against one another. My job is to convince them that they should converse. I feel that my work in the field of human rights and in the exercise of diplomacy is mirrored in the pigments.”

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