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  • Cristina Cardenas (United States, )

    La Nina de los Espejos [The Young Girl of the Mirrors]

    30 in. x 22 in.
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    La Nina de los Espejos [The Young Girl of the Mirrors], 2005
    Cristina Cardenas
    30 in. x 22 in.
    Segura Publishing Company Archive, museum purchase with funds from an an anonymus donor 2005.010.7

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    A girl with flowing black hair stands on top of a chair barefoot with eyes facing forward. She wears a cream-colored dress with pink flowers over her chest and two white stripes toward the bottom end. In her right hand, she holds a small mirror, and a circular object in her left hand that is wrapped around her index finger. The cursive text at the bottom reads “la niña de los espejos” translated to “the girl of the mirrors.” Cárdenas gives women, who are frequently the protagonists of her work, a permanent and positive voice. They are depicted as goddesses, traitors, victims, virgins, and martyrs, they serve as metaphors for strength, innocence, subjugation, and courage.

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